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It's Official!

Save the Date for March 19th 2020 and come and celebrate with me from 6pm to 9pm!

I am extremely proud to announce that I will have my first solo exhibit in the city of Orlando in almost 20 years!

"El Día Extraño" - The Strange Day is a series of eight total mixed media acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 pieces. Six of them will be debuting at the show for the first time anywhere.

Thank you to CityArts Orlando and Orlando Arts District for the opportunity, believing in me and my work.

Come invest in some prints!
El Día Extraño 1El Día Extraño 2El Día Extraño 3El Día Extraño 4El Día Extraño 5El Día Extraño 6El Día Extraño 7El Día Extraño 8