herblish creative services LLC: Blog https://herblish.com/blog en-us (C) herblish creative services LLC (herblish creative services LLC) Wed, 28 Oct 2020 19:37:00 GMT Wed, 28 Oct 2020 19:37:00 GMT https://herblish.com/img/s/v-12/u772477592-o1070774402-50.jpg herblish creative services LLC: Blog https://herblish.com/blog 120 93 "3 Days, Maybe Longer" - A Photographic Photo Essay https://herblish.com/blog/2020/10/-3-days-maybe-longer---a-photographic-photo-essay 3 Days, Maybe Longer - A Photographic Essay​ by Herblish

  • A Photographic Essay
  • By Herblish
  • Book 34 Pages

3 Days, Maybe Longer is the third and final Photoessay from the Springs Trilogy.

Herblish documents and displays beautifully through photography as the nymph of the forest examines her surroundings in beautiful visual poetry.  The work displays woman as goddess, both in soft beauty and powerful sexuality as she scampers through this enchanted hidden landscape.  The haunting story of a nymph reaching for her own song.

Limited Edition

(herblish creative services LLC) book Florida Springs photography herblish herblish experience Underwater Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2020/10/-3-days-maybe-longer---a-photographic-photo-essay Wed, 28 Oct 2020 19:36:24 GMT
"The Balance of what Lies Above" - A Photographic Photo Essay https://herblish.com/blog/2020/10/-the-balance-of-what-lies-above---a-photographic-photo-essay The Balance of What Lies Above - A Photographic Essay​ by Herblish

  • A Photographic Essay
  • By Herblish
  • Book 34 Pages

The Balance of What Lies Above is the second Photoessay from the Springs Trilogy.

Herblish continues telling the enchanted and powerful journey through photography as the nymph of the forest examines her surroundings in beautiful visual poetry.  The work displays woman as goddess, both in soft beauty and powerful sexuality as she scampers through this enchanted hidden landscape.  The haunting story of a nymph reaching for her own song.

Limited Edition

(herblish creative services LLC) book Florida Springs photography herblish herblish experience Underwater Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2020/10/-the-balance-of-what-lies-above---a-photographic-photo-essay Wed, 28 Oct 2020 19:07:41 GMT
"First Light Among the Butterflies" - A Photographic Photo Essay https://herblish.com/blog/2020/7/-first-light-among-the-butterflies---a-photographic-photo-essay First Light Among the Butterflies - A Photographic Essay​ by Herblish

  • A Photographic Essay
  • By Herblish
  • Book 34 Pages

First Light Among the Butterflies is the latest Photoessay from Herblish.  It also happens to be the first installment in the long awaited Springs Trilogy. 

Herblish will take you through this enchanted and powerful journey as the nymph of the forest examines her surroundings in beautiful visual poetry.  The work displays woman as goddess, both in soft beauty and powerful sexuality as she scampers through this enchanted hidden landscape.  The haunting story of a nymph reaching for her own song.

Limited Edition

(herblish creative services LLC) book Florida Springs photography herblish herblish experience Underwater Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2020/7/-first-light-among-the-butterflies---a-photographic-photo-essay Thu, 09 Jul 2020 14:37:48 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 11-17-19 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-17-19
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Gelled & Wet!

Learn to Create Fine Art Techniques with the body by using Light, Gels and Water as a theme.  It will be a great way to learn to do bodyscapes as well as learning to use gels and adding the water droplets as texture to the compositions.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Gelled & Wet - A Wild Fine Art Study
Guest Model: Chelsey Nicole
Date: November 17th 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 125.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2019/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-17-19 Thu, 17 Oct 2019 19:00:06 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 9-29-19 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/9/the-sunday-workshop-9-29-19
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Light Pattern Projections/Fine Art Nude

In this Fine Art Figure Nude Photography workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to master the technique of Light Pattern Projections and posing for it to create captivating fine art images of the female form. 

By excluding obvious features like the face, and concentrating instead on the shapes, shadows and highlights of the torso, we can transform the body into a form that looks almost like a psychedelic landscape.

Learn to how light to do this and have fun in this Sunday Workshop.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Light Pattern Projections/Art Nude
Guest Model: TBD
Date: September 29th, 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) figure study fine art herblish herblish experience lighting nude photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2019/9/the-sunday-workshop-9-29-19 Thu, 12 Sep 2019 16:08:30 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 101319 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/9/paint-style-click-workshop---101319
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 10/13/19 - Winter Springs FL

This is a celebration workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically a Halloween look like no other.  The SugarSkull workshop will cover from showing how to use killer body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-85mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: SugarSkull
Instructor: Herblish
Model: TBD
Date: October 13th, 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) glow herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2019/9/paint-style-click-workshop---101319 Thu, 12 Sep 2019 15:37:33 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 5-19-19 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/5/the-sunday-workshop-5-19-19
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Wet Again!

Learn to Create Beauty Style Portraiture Techniques using Water as a theme  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Wet - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water.
Guest Model: Leslie Logue-Vaporis

Date: May 19th 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience lighting Photography Sunday Workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2019/5/the-sunday-workshop-5-19-19 Thu, 02 May 2019 17:36:25 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 042819 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/4/paint-style-click-workshop---042819
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 04/28/19 - Winter Springs FL

This is a totally different workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically like a painting.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use glow in the dark body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic black light set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-85mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Bubble Glow
Instructor: Herblish
Model: TBD
Date: April 28th, 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) glow herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2019/4/paint-style-click-workshop---042819 Wed, 10 Apr 2019 20:38:15 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 04-07-19 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/3/the-sunday-workshop-04-07-19 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Film Noir - Figure Nude Lighting Techniques

Learn to light and photograph properly while using continues lighting techniques with LED lights to photograph in the style of Film Noir - Figure Nude Lighting Techniques in the April 2019 Sunday Workshop.  It's a Film Noir Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Film Noir - Nude

Guest Model: TBD
Date: April 7th, 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: $150.00



Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2019/3/the-sunday-workshop-04-07-19 Thu, 21 Mar 2019 14:19:47 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 032419 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/1/paint-style-click-workshop---032419
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 03/24/19 - Winter Springs FL

This is an introductory workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in basic body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic, easy to use props for styling, as well as one and two light photography set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Basic
Instructor: Herblish
Model: TBD
Date: March 24th, 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience lighting Photography Sunday Workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2019/1/paint-style-click-workshop---032419 Thu, 31 Jan 2019 19:20:28 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 03-03-19 https://herblish.com/blog/2019/1/the-sunday-workshop-03-03-19 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - High-Key Portraiture

At this Sunday Workshop, I will be showing you quick and easy techniques to get a pure white background for portraits or product shots while requiring minimal gear.  Perfect for those home/studios or even smaller tight spaces.

I will even show you an easy way to get the perfect exposure on both the background and your subject.

Theme: High-Key Portraiture

Guest Model: TBD
Date: March 3rd, 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2019/1/the-sunday-workshop-03-03-19 Thu, 31 Jan 2019 18:26:27 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 120918 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/11/paint-style-click-workshop---120918
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 12/09/18 - Winter Springs FL

Holiday Spirit - This is our Holiday Spirit Holiday Splash Workshop.  A fun way to create something both beautiful and fun with a bit of the Holiday Spirit.  

The workshop will cover from showing how to use of body paint tools such as hands, brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Holiday Spirit
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Canvas Doll
Date: December 9th, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2018/11/paint-style-click-workshop---120918 Sat, 03 Nov 2018 18:32:07 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 101418 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/9/paint-style-click-workshop---101418
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 10/14/18 - Winter Springs FL

This is a celebration workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically a Halloween look like no other.  The #Not4Weenies workshop will cover from showing how to use killer body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-85mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: #Not4Weenies
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Megan Crawford
Date: October 14th, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) glow herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2018/9/paint-style-click-workshop---101418 Wed, 26 Sep 2018 16:13:23 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 09-23-18 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/8/the-sunday-workshop-09-23-18 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Film Noir

Learn to light and photograph properly while using continues lighting techniques with LED lights to photograph in the style of Film Noir in the September 2018 Sunday Workshop.  It's a Film Noir Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Film Noir.

Guest Model: Erika Laguna
Date: Sept 23rd, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 125.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience lighting Photography Sunday Workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2018/8/the-sunday-workshop-09-23-18 Sat, 25 Aug 2018 19:50:50 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 090918 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/8/paint-style-click-workshop---090918
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 09/09/18 - Winter Springs FL

This is going to be the craziest workshop to date.  Perfect for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting using interesting techniques and body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically while creating textures.  

The workshop will cover from showing how to use of body paint tools such as hands, brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Crazy AF
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Janna Ives

Date: Sept 9th, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2018/8/paint-style-click-workshop---090918 Tue, 21 Aug 2018 15:20:47 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 8-19-18 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/7/the-sunday-workshop-8-19-18
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Basic Wet!

Learn to Create Beauty Style Portraiture Techniques using Water as a theme  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Wet - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water.
Guest Model: TBD
Date: August 19th 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience lighting Photography Sunday Workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2018/7/the-sunday-workshop-8-19-18 Thu, 12 Jul 2018 16:39:48 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 070818 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/6/paint-style-click-workshop---070818
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 07/08/18 - Winter Springs FL

This is a very cool workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting using dancing and body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically while creating textures.  

The workshop will cover from showing how to use of body paint tools such as hands, brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Dance Off
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Megan Crawford
Date: July 8th, 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2018/6/paint-style-click-workshop---070818 Thu, 07 Jun 2018 20:07:36 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 06-10-18 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/5/the-sunday-workshop-06-10-18
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Fine Art/Figure Nude!

Learn to Create Fine Art Techniques with the nude body by using Light, Gels and Fabrics as a theme.  It will be a great way to learn to do bodyscapes as well as learning to use gels and adding the fabric as texture to the compositions.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Fine Art/Figure Nude!
Guest Model: Chelsey Nicole
Date: June 10th 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2018/5/the-sunday-workshop-06-10-18 Thu, 10 May 2018 15:15:14 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 042918 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/4/paint-style-click-workshop---042918
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 4/29/18 - Winter Springs FL

We are going to explore into the world of the Golden Glitter Idol with this workshop.  We will be showing how to use metallic paints as well as well as glitter.  As usual, we will be covering brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic black light set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-85mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Golden Glitter Idol
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Chelsey Nicole
Date: April 29h, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) glow herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2018/4/paint-style-click-workshop---042918 Sat, 07 Apr 2018 16:17:31 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 032518 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/3/paint-style-click-workshop---032518
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 3/25/18 - Winter Springs FL

We are going total Metal Burn with this workshop.  We will be showing how to use metallic paints as well as metallic accessories to style and make them burn.  As usual, we will be covering brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic black light set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-85mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Metallic Burn
Instructor: Herblish
Model: TBD
Date: March 25h, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) glow herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2018/3/paint-style-click-workshop---032518 Tue, 13 Mar 2018 14:48:02 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 03-11-18 https://herblish.com/blog/2018/3/the-sunday-workshop-03-11-18 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - High-Key Portraiture

At this Sunday Workshop, I will be showing you quick and easy techniques to get a pure white background for portraits or product shots while requiring minimal gear.  Perfect for those home/studios or even smaller tight spaces.

I will even show you an easy way to get the perfect exposure on both the background and your subject.

Theme: High-Key Portraiture

Guest Model: Momo
Date: March 11th, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2018/3/the-sunday-workshop-03-11-18 Tue, 06 Mar 2018 16:05:03 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 012118 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/12/paint-style-click-workshop---012118
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 01/21/18 - Winter Springs FL

This is a totally different workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically like a painting.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-85mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Carnival Mask
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Emma Ann
Date: January 21th, 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 125.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) glow herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/12/paint-style-click-workshop---012118 Tue, 26 Dec 2017 22:48:47 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 01-14-18 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/12/the-sunday-workshop-01-14-18
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Creative Lighting V4.0 

Learn to shoot using 3 advanced Creative Lighting Techniques using one model.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: 3 advance Creative Lighting Techniques to improve your portraiture photography.
Guest Model: TBD
Date: Jan 14th 2018
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: $125

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish lighting photography https://herblish.com/blog/2017/12/the-sunday-workshop-01-14-18 Tue, 26 Dec 2017 21:17:04 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 11-19-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-19-17
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Fine Art/Figure Nude!

Learn to Create Fine Art Techniques with the nude body by using Light, Gels and Fabrics as a theme.  It will be a great way to learn to do bodyscapes as well as learning to use gels and adding the fabric as texture to the compositions.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Fine Art/Figure Nude!
Guest Model: TBD
Date: November 19th 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: $125.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2017/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-19-17 Wed, 25 Oct 2017 20:16:41 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 121017 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/paint-style-click-workshop---102917
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 12/10/17 - Winter Springs FL

This is a totally different workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically like a painting.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use killer glow body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic black light set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-85mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Garden Nymph
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Kenzie Mac
Date: December 10th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) glow herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/paint-style-click-workshop---102917 Thu, 28 Sep 2017 21:34:57 GMT
El Baile del Dripi Chorreao https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/el-baile-del-dripi-chorreao   El Baile del Dripi Chorreao (Acrylic on canvas)El Baile del Dripi Chorreao (Acrylic on canvas)
El Baile del Dripi Chorreao (2017)
Acrylic on canvas 24" x 36"

Merriam-Webster defines Flamenco
  • 1 :  a vigorous rhythmic dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies; also : a dance in flamenco style  

  • 2 :  music or song suitable to accompany a flamenco dance

It seems that the more I paint, the more I want to paint.  I suppose I have been painting per say for quite sometime, just not on a traditional canvas.  Yes, of course, I have been doing some mixed-media pieces mostly out of my "body-painted" expressions, but nothing like the kick of paint to brush to blank canvas. 

"El Baile del Dripi Chorreao" is a more serious artistic exercise or challenge.  This is clearly an attempt to flex my creative muscle while pushing myself to add multiple layers of abstract and fusing chromatic energy.  My attempt was to somewhat recreate the feel of the 2016 composite photograph of "Bailemos Nuestro Ritmo" which was showcased at the "Celebrating Hispanic Heritage" art show at Osceola Arts in Kissimmee and perhaps take it further.


I started working on this piece pretty much immediately after finishing "Las Flores de Emilio".  This was a larger canvas and I had added more pressure to perform at a much higher level.  Initially, as I began to to draw upon the gessoed canvas, I felt the energy of the flamenco music all around my body.  The strokes were moving as if the paint was danced upon the surface.  It was a surreal experience.

Flamenco music has always been a favorite of mine.  I suppose, its the music of my mother's ancestors who came from Spain.  We both enjoyed the music very much.  Throughout my childhood and early adulthood, going to a "Tasca" to eat some "Paella" and "Caldo Gallego" with some Sangria was the thing to do when we had something important to celebrate.  Of course, these places often have the "Tunas" (folk singers) or the much more skillful "Flamenco Dancers" who like a well oiled engine, move to the sounds of the guitars, hand-claps and "Castañuelas" along with the sad prose of a "Trovador".   

I must had painted more than half of the painting that first evening.  The time seemed to fly by as the clock stood at 4 hours beyond my bedtime.  The following evening, I went back to the music room to paint again.  The energy was there and so was the enthusiasm, however, something was missing.  I toyed with the idea of not completing the painting or leaving empty spots.  I even spoke with fellow artist Samantha Shoemaker and got some much needed advice.  After a two day hiatus, July 25th came and another signature met it's destination. 

"El Baile del Dripi Chorreao" is a metaphor.  It's a kick in the pants to see if I can dance with the real dancers and to see if when the music plays what kind of a dancer I am, after all, I am El Dripi Chorreao.


"Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.”

― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles



(herblish creative services LLC) herblish https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/el-baile-del-dripi-chorreao Thu, 14 Sep 2017 21:48:22 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 10-8-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/the-sunday-workshop-10-8-17
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Light Pattern Projections/Fine Art Nude

In this Fine Art Figure Nude Photography workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to master the technique of Light Pattern Projections and posing for it to create captivating fine art images of the female form. 

By excluding obvious features like the face, and concentrating instead on the shapes, shadows and highlights of the torso, we can transform the body into a form that looks almost like a psychedelic landscape.

Learn to how light to do this and have fun in this Sunday Workshop.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Light Pattern Projections/Art Nude
Guest Model: Megan Crawford
Date: October 8th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) figure study fine art herblish herblish experience lighting nude photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/the-sunday-workshop-10-8-17 Sat, 02 Sep 2017 14:47:06 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 092417 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/paint-style-click-workshop---092417
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 09/24/17 - Winter Springs FL

Extra Special PS&C workshop since Tabitha Hayden will be a special guest and sharing her creativity in styling and painting.  This is for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting while using textures and other props for styling and putting it all together photographically..  

The workshop will cover from showing how to use of body paint tools such as hands, brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Texture Style w/Special Guest Tabitha Hayden
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Kisabel Demure
Date: Sept 24th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/9/paint-style-click-workshop---092417 Fri, 01 Sep 2017 15:05:40 GMT
Las Flores de Emilio https://herblish.com/blog/2017/8/las-flores-de-emilio Las Flores de Emilio (Acrylic on canvas)Las Flores de Emilio (Acrylic on canvas)
Las Flores de Emilio (2017)
Acrylic on canvas

Merriam-Webster defines Recurring
  • 1 :  to have recourse : 

  • 2 :  to go back in thought or discourse on recurring to my letters of that date — Thomas Jefferson

  • 3a :  to come up again for considerationb :  to come again to mind

  • 4 :  to occur again after an interval :  occur time after time the cancer recurred

During the last several months I have been having a recurring dream.  There's truly no explanation as to why I've been having this dream.  It's a strange dream in the sense that like a Geico commercial, it simply appears pretty much the same way every time.  The dream seems to last maybe a few minutes if not seconds.  The dream is in full vivid color.

The dream starts by hearing something sounding like a mystical hum.  Then curtains open, and I find myself in a room.  My attention goes straight to a medium-sized painting at the corner of the room.  After about six or seven months I have seen enough of the painting that it is almost embedded into my memory.

During the same time period, I have been listening quite frequently to my favorite Puerto Rican rock band "Fiel a la Vega".  They have a folk song called "Necesarios son los Sueños" (Necessary is to dream).  The song describes the need to dream in order to live and to grow as person, as a human, a citizen. 


Necesarios son los sueños
de oprimidos que salvar
de tiranos derrotados
de lograda libertad
sueños que vivan en la memoria
de generaciones por llegar
sueños que queden en nuestra historia
en nuestras mesas, en nuestro hogar

Necessary is to dream
Of the oppressed to be saved
Of the defeated tyrants
Of achieved freedom
Dreams that live in memory
Of generations to come
Dreams that remain in our history
At our tables, in our homes

So, on July 9th, without telling a soul, I made the decision to make this "dream" into a reality.  I began the process of finding a canvas and applying gesso before making draft.  It was somewhat of a celebratory day since had my father been alive, he would had turned 97 on that day. 

On July 13th, paint and canvas met through a brush which was meta-physically driving directly from my subconsciousness like a plane on auto-pilot.  I simply let the muse take over.  It was scary and exciting at the same time.  This was not a mixed-media piece as the many I had done before and nor it was an abstract piece either.  Had been removed from art school for more than 20 years, I felt the butterflies, but butterflies of excitement.  By the evening of July 16th, the painting was ready for my signature.  Or was it? 

As I looked at the seemingly completed piece of art, I began to realize that despite the fact, a recurring "dream" was what brought me to this point, the painting now sang another song altogether.  That spark was truly fueling a different fire entirely and now another song from "Fiel a la Vega" was truly the driving force.  "Las Flores de Emilio" (Emilio's Flowers) truly encapsulates both physically and mentally the inspiration behind, not just of this piece, but now what this piece represents to me, the artist, the human, the citizen.


De toda la vida, la vida te quita

Pero que no cansen tus brazos
Pero que aguanten tu paso y sigue

Aya je aya je, aya je aya je

El que tenga talento no tiene perdon si no sabe que hacer con el

Echale agua, echale sol,
Que el talento necesita, que le abones tu calor

Of all life, life takes away

But do not let your arms get tired
But keep your pace and continue

Aya je aya je, aya je aya je

He who has talent has no forgiveness if he doesn't know what to do with it

Pour some water, pour it some sun
What talent needs its for you feed it your love


A whole month has come and gone from this small artistic interlude, but the results have gone tremendously prolific as I have now fully painted 3 additional completed paintings and the inspiration for more is both vibrant and refreshing.  My artistic Renaissance is in full swing drawing pleasant surprises and yielding good fruit. 

"It may help to think of it this way. If you were meant to cure cancer or write a symphony or crack cold fusion and you don't do it, you not only hurt yourself, even destroy yourself,. You hurt your children. You hurt me. You hurt the planet.

You sham
e the angels who watch over you and you spite the Almighty, who created you and only you with your unique gifts, for the sole purpose of nudging the human race one millimeter farther along its path back to God.

Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It's a gift to the world and every being in it. Don't cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you've got.”

― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles


I have not had a return engagement of that recurring dream, but somehow I feel as if that mission has been accomplished. I still fully do not understand as to why I kept on dreaming this image, but I am grateful about this given opportunity to learn about the importance of dreams and showing me how to use my talent in a different way, perhaps as an agent of change. I also like to thank that someone who never gave up and pushed me to carry on while providing me inspiration.  I hope you are smiling brighter today.



(herblish creative services LLC) herblish https://herblish.com/blog/2017/8/las-flores-de-emilio Sat, 26 Aug 2017 18:16:33 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 08-27-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/8/the-sunday-workshop-08-27-17
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - WET EXTREME - 5pm to 8pm.

Learn to Create and Light even more Beauty Style Portrait Techniques using Water in twilight and early evening as the main theme.  This is a Sunday Workshop favorite.  There will be plenty of water droplets to photographed beautifully.  Feel free to bring a towel for this one!

Theme: Wet Extreme - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water to the Dark Side.
Guest Model: Kenzie Mac
Date: August 27rd, 2017
Time: 5pm - 8pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/8/the-sunday-workshop-08-27-17 Sat, 12 Aug 2017 16:53:27 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 07-23-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/7/the-sunday-workshop-07-23-17 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Lo-Key Portraiture

At this Sunday Workshop, I will be showing you quick and easy techniques to get those dramatic lo-key portraits while requiring minimal gear.  Perfect for those home/studios or even smaller tight spaces.

I will even show you an easy way to get the perfect exposure on both the background and your subject.

Theme: Lo-Key Portraiture

Guest Model: Kisabel Demure
Date: July 23rd, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) herblish herblish experience lighting photography sunday workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2017/7/the-sunday-workshop-07-23-17 Sat, 08 Jul 2017 19:27:19 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 070917 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/7/paint-style-click-workshop---070917
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 07/09/17 - Winter Springs FL

This is a Summer Wild workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in body painting using Summer Wild cool designs as well as styling and putting it all together photographically while creating textures.  

The workshop will cover from showing how to use of body paint tools such as hands, brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Summer Wild
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Emma Ann
Date: July 9th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/7/paint-style-click-workshop---070917 Sun, 02 Jul 2017 16:03:08 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 06-25-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/5/the-sunday-workshop-0625 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - High-Key Portraiture

At this Sunday Workshop, I will be showing you quick and easy techniques to get a pure white background for portraits or product shots while requiring minimal gear.  Perfect for those home/studios or even smaller tight spaces.

I will even show you an easy way to get the perfect exposure on both the background and your subject.

Theme: High-Key Portraiture

Guest Model: TBD
Date: June 25th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2017/5/the-sunday-workshop-0625 Wed, 31 May 2017 21:29:28 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 060417 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/4/paint-style-click-workshop---052117
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 06/4/17 - Winter Springs FL

This is a super duper cool workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in metallic powder of body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically while creating textures and slick looks.  Additionally, we will be working with gels too. 

The workshop will cover from showing how to use of metallic powder body paint tools such as hands, brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Metallic Sauce
Instructor: Herblish
Model: TBD
Date: June 4th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/4/paint-style-click-workshop---052117 Sat, 22 Apr 2017 13:33:32 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 04-23-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/3/the-sunday-workshop-04-23-17
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Remixed

Learn to Create and Light even more Beauty Style Portrait Techniques using Water as the main theme.  This is a Sunday Workshop favorite.  There will be plenty of water droplets to photographed beautifully.  Feel free to bring a towel for this one!

Theme:Remixed - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water taking the next level.
Guest Model: Felicia Anna
Date: April 23rd, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/3/the-sunday-workshop-04-23-17 Mon, 27 Mar 2017 16:04:23 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 040217 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/3/paint-style-click-workshop---040217 Paint Style & Click Workshops - Holi Dust
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 04/02/17 - Winter Springs FL

This is a super cool workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in basic Holi dusting type of body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use of Holi body paint tools such as hands, brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Holi Dust
Instructor: Herblish
Model: TBD
Date: April 2nd, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/3/paint-style-click-workshop---040217 Thu, 16 Mar 2017 21:13:26 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 03-19-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/2/the-sunday-workshop-03-19-17 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Film Noir - Nude Lighting Techniques

Learn to light and photograph properly while using continues lighting techniques with LED lights to photograph in the style of Film Noir - Nude Lighting Techniques in the March 2017 Sunday Workshop.  It's a Film Noir Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Film Noir - Nude

Guest Model: Patricia The Art Model
Date: March 19th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2017/2/the-sunday-workshop-03-19-17 Tue, 21 Feb 2017 22:07:47 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 022617 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/2/paint-style-click-workshop---022617 Paint Style & Click Workshops - BodyGlow
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 02/26/17 - Winter Springs FL

This is an extra special workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in basic bodyglow body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use bodyglow body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic black light set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Body Glow
Instructor: Herblish
Model: TBD
Date: February 26th, 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2017/2/paint-style-click-workshop---022617 Wed, 01 Feb 2017 16:14:58 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 01-29-17 https://herblish.com/blog/2017/1/the-sunday-workshop-01-29-17
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Creative Lighting V3.0 

Learn to shoot using 3 advanced Creative Lighting Techniques using one model.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: 3 advance Creative Lighting Techniques to improve your portraiture photography.
Guest Model: Chelsey Nicole
Date: Jan 29h 2017
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Photography lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2017/1/the-sunday-workshop-01-29-17 Wed, 11 Jan 2017 16:11:47 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 121816 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/12/paint-style-click-workshop---121816
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 12/18/16 - Winter Springs FL

This is an introductory workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in basic body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic, easy to use props for styling, as well as one and two light photography set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Basic
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Karina Isabel
Date: Dec 18th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2016/12/paint-style-click-workshop---121816 Mon, 05 Dec 2016 15:06:33 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 12-11-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/11/the-sunday-workshop-12-11-16
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Side Lighting

Learn to shoot using 3 Side Lighting Creative Portraiture Techniques using one model.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: 3 Side Lighting Techniques to improve your portraiture photography.
Guest Model: TBD
Date: December 11th 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2016/11/the-sunday-workshop-12-11-16 Tue, 29 Nov 2016 21:55:10 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 11-06-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-06-16
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Wet, Shapes & Colors!

Learn to Create Fine Art Techniques with the nude body by using Light, Gels and Water as a theme.  It will be a great way to learn to do bodyscapes as well as learning to use gels and adding the water droplets as texture to the compositions.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Wet Shapes & Colors - A Fine Art Figure Nude Study
Guest Model: Stevie
Date: November 6th 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2016/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-06-16 Wed, 26 Oct 2016 14:25:36 GMT
Beauty will Surface - A Photographic Photo Essay https://herblish.com/blog/2016/10/beauty-will-surface---a-photographic-photo-essay Beauty will Surface - A Photographic Essay​ by Herblish
Beauty will Surface - Book teaserBeauty will Surface - Book teaser

  • A Photographic Essay
  • By Herblish
  • Book 78 Pages


After a 5 years hiatus, images from a single two-hour photo shoot come to the surface. In this beautiful photographic essay, Photographer/Artist Herblish reveals more than just the raw talents of model debutante Ana Bell. This is on one end, a powerful story of personal perseverance and courage, while beauty and serendipity on the other side. Herblish captures and displays a visually stunning account in Ana Bell's adopted aquatic refuge. Her innocence, vulnerabilities and overall becoming "one" with water while captivating and enticing the reader/viewer with every turn of the page.

This is coming of age story that also pays tribute to the first time Herblish worked with his muse, creative partner and model extraordinaire Ivana Farren. 

Nobody has been more influential, artistically than Ivana this year. As a muse, she not only inspired Herblish, but also challenged and pushed him into uncharted territories while creating in the process, in a very short amount of time, a tremendous and incredible body of work. They became creative partners thanks to her own drive and dedication to make all things beautiful. Herblish feels tremendously fortunate and proud of all the work they have created together, so far.


(herblish creative services LLC) body painting book herblish herblish experience photography https://herblish.com/blog/2016/10/beauty-will-surface---a-photographic-photo-essay Tue, 11 Oct 2016 10:34:21 GMT
Paint Style & Click Halloween Special Edition Workshop 100216 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/8/paint-style-click-halloween-special-edition-workshop-100216 Paint Style & Click Workshops Special Edition - 10/02/16 - Winter Springs FL

This is a treat and fun workshop for those seeking to have fun learning how to do some Halloween techniques body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply and expertly and blend the paints onto the human canvas.  Easy to use props for styling, as well as one and two light photography set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper
• Small towel 

Theme: Special Edition - Halloween
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Christie Love
Date: October 2nd, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 8
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2016/8/paint-style-click-halloween-special-edition-workshop-100216 Sun, 28 Aug 2016 15:51:11 GMT
The Herblish Experience V2.0 Documentary - Trailer https://herblish.com/blog/2016/8/the-herblish-experience-v2-0-documentary---trailer The Herblish Experience V2.0 Dark Beauty Documentary - Trailer
The Herblish Experience V2.0 - Dark Beauty Documentary Trailer
Herblish Photography in conjunction with Lighted Path Productions proudly announce a new documentary based on the latest work of photographer/artist Herblish (Herbie Martin) and the Herblish Experience V2.0 Dark Beauty featuring model and creative partner Ivana Farren.  

The Herblish Experience is a series of fine-art workshops where the use of body painting, fabrics and many other things some even discarded or repurposed fuse together to make extremely unique photographs.   The documentary answers many questions while giving the viewer a one of kind insight as to the process and experience that it is being a part of the Herblish Experience.

The forthcoming documentary was filmed in June at the amazing Cuba Libre Restaurant and Rum Bar in Orlando.  We will keep you posted for the actual launch of the Herblish Experience V2.0 Dark Beauty documentary.

Please click below for a teaser sneak peek...


(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Herblish Experience Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2016/8/the-herblish-experience-v2-0-documentary---trailer Thu, 11 Aug 2016 18:59:42 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 09-18-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/8/the-sunday-workshop-09-18-16
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Light Pattern Projections/Fine Art Nude

The Herblish Sunday Workshop Light Pattern Projections / Fine Art Nude

In this Fine Art Figure Nude Photography workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to master the technique of Light Pattern Projections and posing for it to create captivating fine art images of the female form. 

By excluding obvious features like the face, and concentrating instead on the shapes, shadows and highlights of the torso, we can transform the body into a form that looks almost like a psychedelic landscape.

Learn to how light to do this and have fun in this Sunday Workshop.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Light Pattern Projections/Art Nude
Guest Model: TBD
Date: September 18th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 150.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop figure study fine art lighting nude https://herblish.com/blog/2016/8/the-sunday-workshop-09-18-16 Wed, 10 Aug 2016 19:09:18 GMT
Paint Style & Click Advanced Workshop - 082816 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/7/paint-style-click-Advanced-workshop---082816
Paint Style & Click Advanced Workshops - 08/28/16 - Winter Springs FL

This is an advance workshop for those seeking deeper hands-on training techniques body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply and expertly blend the paints onto the human canvas.  Advanced, easy to use props for styling, as well as one and two light photography set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper
• Small towel 

Theme: Advanced/Application Brushes
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Jet Chan
Date: August 28th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2016/7/paint-style-click-Advanced-workshop---082816 Tue, 19 Jul 2016 19:34:09 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 08-07-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/7/the-sunday-workshop-08-07-16 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Film Noir

Learn to light and photograph properly while using continues lighting techniques with LED lights to photograph in the style of Film Noir in the August 2016 Sunday Workshop.  It's a Film Noir Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Film Noir.

Guest Model: Erika Laguna
Date: August 7th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2016/7/the-sunday-workshop-08-07-16 Tue, 12 Jul 2016 18:53:43 GMT
Paint Style & Click Intermediate Workshop - 072416 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/6/paint-style-click-intermediate-workshop---072416
Paint Style & Click Intermediate Workshops - 07/24/16 - Winter Springs FL

This is an intermediate workshop for those seeking more hands-on training techniques body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply and blend the paints onto the human canvas.  Basic, easy to use props for styling, as well as one and two light photography set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Intermediate/Blend
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Ivana Farren
Date: July 24th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2016/6/paint-style-click-intermediate-workshop---072416 Mon, 27 Jun 2016 12:20:57 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 07-10-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/5/the-sunday-workshop-07-10-16 The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - High-Key Lighting

Learn to light and photograph properly while using techniques to photograph fashion or portrait in the July 2016 Sunday Workshop.  It's a High Key Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: High-Key.

Guest Model: TBD
Date: July 10th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2016/5/the-sunday-workshop-07-10-16 Fri, 20 May 2016 17:46:00 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 062616 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/5/paint-style-click-workshop---062616
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 06/26/16 - Winter Springs FL

This is an introductory workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in basic body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic, easy to use props for styling, as well as one and two light photography set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Basic
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Ivana Farren
Date: June 26th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Herbelicious Studios, Winter Springs FL
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2016/5/paint-style-click-workshop---062616 Mon, 09 May 2016 18:05:17 GMT
Paint Style & Click Workshop - 061216 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/5/paint-style-click-workshop---061216
Paint Style & Click Workshops - 061216 - Melbourne FL

This is an introductory workshop for those seeking more hands-on training in basic body painting as well as styling and putting it all together photographically.  The workshop will cover from showing how to use body paint tools such as brushes and sponges to techniques on how to correctly apply the paints onto the human canvas.  Hygiene and professional guidelines will be covered as well.  Basic, easy to use props for styling, as well as one and two light photography set ups will be covered. 

What you need to bring?
• Camera (DSLR) with a flash mount (Pocket Wizard Trigger if you have)
• Lens or lenses covering the 24-120mm focal range
• Memory Card
• Pen and Paper

• Small towel 

Theme: Basic
Instructor: Herblish
Model: Ivana Farren
Date: June 12th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: Unique Studios, Melbourne FL
Limit: 8
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2016/5/paint-style-click-workshop---061216 Mon, 09 May 2016 17:58:33 GMT
The Herblish Experience Workshop V2.0 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/3/the-herblish-experience-workshop-v2-0
The Herblish Experience 2.0 - The Dark Side of Beauty
June 5th 2016

Ever wonder how creative photographer & body painter/artist Herblish creates the images he does? This is your chance, once again, to take a peek inside his domain, see his mastery of color & texture while pushing the boundaries in lighting & photographic techniques. 

This workshop will focus primarily on the dark side of beauty.  Herblish will provide you with an intimate look as he shapes and creates his unique mind blowing images. 

This workshop is primarily designed for intermediate to advanced photographers who are interested in learning how to unleash their artistic muse while developing their own personal vision and style.

Date: June 5th, 2016
Time: 10:30am - 2:30pm
Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar

Cost: 299.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Harmon School of Photography Herblish Herblish Experience Photography lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2016/3/the-herblish-experience-workshop-v2-0 Wed, 30 Mar 2016 06:21:53 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 04-17-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/3/the-sunday-workshop-04-17-16
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Wet v3.0

Learn to Create and Light even more Beauty Style Portrait Techniques using Water as the main theme.  This is a Sunday Workshop favorite.  There will be plenty of water droplets to photographed beautifully.  Feel free to bring a towel for this one!

Theme: Wet v3.0 - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water taking the next level.
Guest Model: Ariana Doeg
Date: April 17th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting wet https://herblish.com/blog/2016/3/the-sunday-workshop-04-17-16 Mon, 21 Mar 2016 05:42:02 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 03-20-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/2/the-sunday-workshop-03-20-16
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Fine Art | Figure Nude


In this Fine Art Figure Nude Photography workshop you will have the opportunity to learn how to master lighting and posing to create captivating fine art images of the female form. 

By excluding obvious features like the face, and concentrating instead on the shapes, shadows and highlights of the torso, we can transform the body into a form that looks almost like a landscape.

Learn to how light and photograph properly while experimenting with 4 classic lighting set ups in this Sunday Workshop.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Fine Art | Figure Nude
Guest Model: Candice Marie
Date: March 20th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 150.00

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop figure study fine art lighting nude https://herblish.com/blog/2016/2/the-sunday-workshop-03-20-16 Mon, 29 Feb 2016 07:36:28 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 02-28-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/2/the-sunday-workshop-02-28-16
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Beads, Masks & Carnival

Learn to light and photograph properly while using beads and masks and other big props in this Carnival themed Sunday Workshop.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Beads, Masks & Carnival - A fun look at the challenges of a Carnival theme shoot.

Guest Model: Nicole Erickson
Date: Feb 28th, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: 100.00


Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2016/2/the-sunday-workshop-02-28-16 Mon, 08 Feb 2016 20:47:26 GMT
Advanced One Light - One Night Portraiture February 2016 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/1/advanced-one-light---one-night-portraiture-february-2016 Advanced One Light One Night Portraiture - February 16th 2016- Orlando
Herblish PhotographyAdvanced One Light - One Night

Now that you have learned the basics of One Light Portraiture, you can further enhance your creativity while shooting high quality level, lit portraits with only a single light source; regardless of light source.

Designed for intermediate level, this class takes off where the One Light – One Night Portraiture left off.Continue your path of learning how to better see light while taking your creativity to new heights.  Become efficient and expand your knowledge base of lighting portraits.Prerequisites: One Light - One Night or equivalent skills.                                                                        

Taught by Herbie Martin
6:00 - 8:30 pm at Harmon Photo Cost is $75 .00

To sign up click below: 

(herblish creative services LLC) Harmon School of Photography Herblish One Light Photography Portrature https://herblish.com/blog/2016/1/advanced-one-light---one-night-portraiture-february-2016 Wed, 20 Jan 2016 21:18:48 GMT
One Light - One Night Portraiture January 2016 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/1/one-light---one-night-portraiture-january-2016 One Light One Night Portraiture - January 12th 2016- Orlando

This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.

Designed for the intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance of making every light count for several reasons. Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you want to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Or maybe you just want a challenge. Whatever the case, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.

In this practical class, you will learn how to see light, build your knowledge base and learn the tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently. All lighting will be provided.

Taught by Herbie Martin

6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo
Cost is $ 75

To Register simply click though here

Don't Forget to bring your camera!

(herblish creative services LLC) Harmon School of Photography Herblish One Light Photography Portrature https://herblish.com/blog/2016/1/one-light---one-night-portraiture-january-2016 Sat, 09 Jan 2016 18:55:13 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 01-31-16 https://herblish.com/blog/2016/1/the-sunday-workshop-01-31-16
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Beauty Styling & Body Paint

Learn to Create and Style Advanced Beauty Techniques using Body Paints and other textural props.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Beauty Styling & Body Paint - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Body Paints

Guest Model: Ivana Farren
Date: Jan 31st, 2016
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5
Cost: 100.00



Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2016/1/the-sunday-workshop-01-31-16 Mon, 04 Jan 2016 17:14:24 GMT
One Light - One Night Portraiture November 2015 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/one-light---one-night-portraiture-november-2015 One Light One Night Portraiture - November 4th - Orlando

This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.

Designed for the intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance of making every light count for several reasons. Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you want to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Or maybe you just want a challenge. Whatever the case, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.

In this practical class, you will learn how to see light, build your knowledge base and learn the tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently. All lighting will be provided.

Taught by Herbie Martin

6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo
Cost is $ 75

To Register simply click though here

Don't Forget to bring your camera!

(herblish creative services LLC) Harmon School of Photography Herblish One Light Photography Portrature https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/one-light---one-night-portraiture-november-2015 Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:20:52 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 11-22-15 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-22-15 Sunday Workshop Wet v2.0
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Wet v2.0

Learn to Create Advanced Beauty Style Portraiture Techniques using Water as a theme  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.  You may want to bring a towel for this one!

Theme: Wet v2.0 - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water starts where the Summer's version left off.
Guest Model: Chelsey Nicole
Date: Nov 22nd, 2015
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5
Cost: 100.00



Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/the-sunday-workshop-11-22-15 Thu, 22 Oct 2015 19:29:17 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 10-18-15 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/the-sunday-workshop-10-18-15 HerblishThe Sunday WorkshopDark Beauty
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - October Edition 
Learn how to light and photograph using Beauty and Ring lights.  Participants will be exposed and learn how to photograph polished magazine quality Beauty style images.

Theme: Dark Beauty - Beauty & Ring Light Techniques with a Twist.
Guest Model: Ivana Farren
Date: October 18th 2015
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: TBD
Limit: 6
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Dark Beauty Herblish Photography Sunday Workshop beauty fine art https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/the-sunday-workshop-10-18-15 Fri, 09 Oct 2015 20:06:08 GMT
The Nifty 50 - October 6th & 13th https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/the-nifty-50---october-6th-13th The ever popular Nifty 50 class is back at Harmon's School of Photography in Orlando.

The Nifty 50

It's been a long time since Spring!

Welcome to the classic portrait zone! The 50 mm focal length has been the keystone of 35mm photography since the 1930's. Master Photographers like Ralph Gibson and Henri Cartier-Bresson used just the '50' for everything from landscapes to portraiture. The fact is even the cheapest 50 mm lens is optically superior to any of the current crop of consumer zooms (18-55 mm or 18-105 mm variable aperture).

From a creative perspective, this is the lens you should be pulling a lot more frequently from your camera bag - and this exciting photography class will show you why.  

You will need a digital SLR, 50 mm prime lens, and a willingness to see light (and go light). In this class you will learn the characteristics of the 50 mm lens, explore its versatility, see the low-light advantage, learn about its 'bokeh' and get tips for going it alone.

So bring your DSLR Camera with a 50mm or any other small prime.  The Class is held at Harmon Photo in Orlando.

This 2-week class is taught by Herbie Martin

Click below to sign up


(herblish creative services LLC) 50mm Harmon School of Photography Herblish Herblish Experience Nifty Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2015/10/the-nifty-50---october-6th-13th Sat, 03 Oct 2015 11:25:23 GMT
One Light - One Night Portraiture September 2015 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/9/one-light---one-night-portraiture-september-2015 One Light One Night Portraiture - September 17th - Orlando

This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.

Designed for the intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance of making every light count for several reasons. Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you want to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Or maybe you just want a challenge. Whatever the case, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.

In this practical class, you will learn how to see light, build your knowledge base and learn the tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently. All lighting will be provided.

Taught by Herbie Martin

6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo
Cost is $ 75

To Register simply click though here

Don't Forget to bring your camera!

(herblish creative services LLC) Harmon School of Photography Herblish One Light Photography Portrature https://herblish.com/blog/2015/9/one-light---one-night-portraiture-september-2015 Wed, 09 Sep 2015 18:49:49 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 9-20-15 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/8/the-sunday-workshop-9-20-15
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - September Edition 
Master the art of photography and lighting by learning various techniques using continued and studio flash/strobe lights.  

Theme: It Figures! - A human figure study of light & shapes
Guest Model: TBD
Date: Sept 20th 2015
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: TBD
Limit: 6
Cost: $150

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Photography Sunday Workshop figure body study fine art https://herblish.com/blog/2015/8/the-sunday-workshop-9-20-15 Fri, 21 Aug 2015 16:01:50 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 07-19-15 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/6/the-sunday-workshop-07-19-15
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Gels, Fabrics & Body Paint

Learn to create and shoot using Herblish's own brand of artistic techniques using colors from gels, fabrics and body paints.  This is a MUST for anyone who's interested in truly creating unique and polished images.    It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Gels, Fabrics & Body Paint: Artistic ways to improve your creative photography.
Guest Model: TBD
Date: July 19th 2015
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 6
Cost: $150

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Photography bodypainting lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2015/6/the-sunday-workshop-07-19-15 Mon, 29 Jun 2015 15:47:57 GMT
The Herblish Giddy Up Glamour Workshop - Orlando https://herblish.com/blog/2015/6/the-herblish-giddy-up-glamour-workshop---orlando The Herblish Giddy Up Glamour Workshop
Sunday August 9th 2015 | Cheyenne Saloon | Orlando FL

In this workshop, creative photographer Herbie Martin will teach his style of Glamour Photography. The workshop will give aspiring glamour photographers the chance to hone their skills in this very popular genre. This intense workshop will be held at a historic location, and will provide insights into choosing models, working, directing and posing them to flatter their assets and hide their flaws.

The workshop will begin with a short presentation by Herblish. Through this presentation he will discuss information about the ‘do's and dont's along with the current trends of glamour photography, how to work a client/model, composition and other useful skills and techniques.

The workshop will continue with a practical example of studio lighting. You will be introduced in detail to all the equipment that will be used that day, including all the accessories and their different applications (soft boxes, beauty dishes, reflectors etc.). You will be taught how to choose the most suitable accessories to achieve the desired and most optimal effect.

You will be given the opportunity to put all into practice immediately following the presentation. You will learn techniques to set up and modify lighting that is flattering for the glamour model in a non-studio environment. Photographers will learn to bring out their passion for capturing beautiful models in wardrobe in this structured workshop at the Historic Cheyenne Saloon in Orlando. The Workshop will run from 10am to 2pm.

You will learn:
- How to adjust and match the studio lights to the interior atmosphere
- How to set the right light levels
- How to combine the artificial lights with daylight
- When to use hard and soft light
- How to use reflectors
- How to work with only one source of light
- How to use multiple lights effectively and efficiently
- The basic light set up for a portrait up to a full figure shoot


Just $199.00
Sign up by clicking below





(herblish creative services LLC) Cheyenne Saloon Glamour Photography Herblish Photography Workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2015/6/the-herblish-giddy-up-glamour-workshop---orlando Mon, 22 Jun 2015 14:45:00 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 6-28-15 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/5/the-sunday-workshop-6-28-15 Herblish ExperienceThe Sunday Workshop June 28, 2015Wet - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Wet!

Learn to Create Beauty Style Portraiture Techniques using Water as a theme  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Wet - A Glamorous Study of Beauty and Water.
Guest Model: Erica G
Date: June 28th 2015
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2015/5/the-sunday-workshop-6-28-15 Fri, 29 May 2015 21:48:02 GMT
One Light - One Night Portraiture May https://herblish.com/blog/2015/5/one-light---one-night-portraiture-may One Light One Night Portraiture - May 19th - Orlando

This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.

Designed for the intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance of making every light count for several reasons. Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you want to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Or maybe you just want a challenge. Whatever the case, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.

In this practical class, you will learn how to see light, build your knowledge base and learn the tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently. All lighting will be provided.

Taught by Herbie Martin

6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo
Cost is $ 75

To Register simply click though here

Don't Forget to bring your camera!

(herblish creative services LLC) Harmon School of Photography Herblish One Light Photography Portrature https://herblish.com/blog/2015/5/one-light---one-night-portraiture-may Wed, 13 May 2015 15:04:02 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 3-29-15 https://herblish.com/blog/2015/3/the-sunday-workshop-3-29-15
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Side Lighting

Learn to shoot using 3 Side Lighting Creative Portraiture Techniques using one model.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: 3 Side Lighting Techniques to improve your portraiture photography.
Guest Model: Sara Marie 
Date: March 29th 2015
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Herblish Experience Photography Sunday Workshop lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2015/3/the-sunday-workshop-3-29-15 Mon, 16 Mar 2015 18:48:56 GMT
The Nifty 50 - March 10th & 17th https://herblish.com/blog/2015/3/the-nifty-50---march-10th-17th The ever popular Nifty 50 class is back at Harmon's School of Photography in Orlando.

It's Back and for the first time this year!

Welcome to the classic portrait zone! The 50 mm focal length has been the keystone of 35mm photography since the 1930's. Master Photographers like Ralph Gibson and Henri Cartier-Bresson used just the '50' for everything from landscapes to portraiture. The fact is even the cheapest 50 mm lens is optically superior to any of the current crop of consumer zooms (18-55 mm or 18-105 mm variable aperture).

From a creative perspective, this is the lens you should be pulling a lot more frequently from your camera bag - and this exciting photography class will show you why.  

You will need a digital SLR, 50 mm prime lens, and a willingness to see light (and go light). In this class you will learn the characteristics of the 50 mm lens, explore its versatility, see the low-light advantage, learn about its 'bokeh' and get tips for going it alone.

So bring your DSLR Camera with a 50mm or any other small prime.  The Class is held at Harmon Photo in Orlando.

This 2-week class is taught by Herbie Martin

Click below to sign up


(herblish creative services LLC) 50mm Harmon School of Photography Herblish Herblish Experience Nifty Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2015/3/the-nifty-50---march-10th-17th Wed, 04 Mar 2015 21:04:09 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 12-14-14 https://herblish.com/blog/2014/12/the-sunday-workshop-12-14-14
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Creative Lighting V2.0 

Learn to shoot using 3 advanced Creative Lighting Techniques using one model.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: 3 advance Creative Lighting Techniques to improve your portraiture photography.
Guest Model: TBD
Date: Dec 14th 2014
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Herblish Photography lighting https://herblish.com/blog/2014/12/the-sunday-workshop-12-14-14 Thu, 04 Dec 2014 18:08:16 GMT
The Nifty 50 - Dec 6th & 13th https://herblish.com/blog/2014/11/the-nifty-50---dec-6th-13th The ever popular Nifty 50 class is back at Harmon's School of Photography in Orlando.

Welcome to the classic portrait zone! The 50 mm focal length has been the keystone of 35mm photography since the 1930's. Master Photographers like Ralph Gibson and Henri Cartier-Bresson used just the '50' for everything from landscapes to portraiture. The fact is even the cheapest 50 mm lens is optically superior to any of the current crop of consumer zooms (18-55 mm or 18-105 mm variable aperture).

From a creative perspective, this is the lens you should be pulling a lot more frequently from your camera bag - and this exciting photography class will show you why.  

You will need a digital SLR, 50 mm prime lens, and a willingness to see light (and go light). In this class you will learn the characteristics of the 50 mm lens, explore its versatility, see the low-light advantage, learn about its 'bokeh' and get tips for going it alone.

So bring your DSLR Camera with a 50mm or any other small prime.  The Class is held at Harmon Photo in Orlando.

This 2-week class is taught by Herbie Martin

Click below to sign up


(herblish creative services LLC) 50mm Herblish Herblish Experience Nifty Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2014/11/the-nifty-50---dec-6th-13th Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:32:17 GMT
The Saturday Workshop 11-15-14 https://herblish.com/blog/2014/11/the-saturday-workshop-11-15-14
Due to Illness I had to Cancel the Workshop
The Saturday (Yes - Saturday) Workshop by Herblish - Mack's Last! 

A farewell of sorts with one of Herblish's most talented muses; Mack.  Earlier this year Mackenzie announced that she will retire as a model at the end of this year.  Over the years, Herblish has had the pleasure to work with Mack in many projects including the Picklesuit™ as well as many other creative endeavors.  If you had not shot with Mack and always wanted, this is it.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Mack's Last - Farewell to Mackenzie
Guest Model: Mackenzie Conn Powers
Date: Nov 15th 2014
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5
Cost: $100

Mackenzie is also offering 30 minute one-on-one's for $50 immediately after the Workshop.  If you are interested in this bonus coverage, please let me know.

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Mackenzie Photography Sunday Workshop fine art https://herblish.com/blog/2014/11/the-saturday-workshop-11-15-14 Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:12:27 GMT
One Light - One Night Portraiture October https://herblish.com/blog/2014/10/one-light---one-night-portraiture-october One Light One Night Portraiture - October 30th - Orlando

This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.

Designed for the intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance of making every light count for several reasons. Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you want to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Or maybe you just want a challenge. Whatever the case, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.

In this practical class, you will learn how to see light, build your knowledge base and learn the tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently. All lighting will be provided.

Taught by Herbie Martin

6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo
Cost is $ 50

To Register simply click though here

Don't Forget to bring your camera!

(herblish creative services LLC) Harmon School of Photography Herblish One Light Photography Portrature https://herblish.com/blog/2014/10/one-light---one-night-portraiture-october Tue, 21 Oct 2014 18:29:26 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 10-26-14 https://herblish.com/blog/2014/10/the-sunday-workshop-10-26-14
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - Halloween Edition 

A photographic journey showcasing the styling and body painting talents of Herblish along with one his all star muses, the talented Christie Love.  It's a Herblish Experience you won't want to miss.

Theme: Halloween Spookedtacular - A scary body painting & photographing experience.
Guest Model: Christie Love
Date: Oct 26th 2014
Time: 1pm - 4pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Photography Sunday Workshop fine art halloween https://herblish.com/blog/2014/10/the-sunday-workshop-10-26-14 Thu, 02 Oct 2014 14:10:30 GMT
The Nifty 50 - Sept 9th & 16th https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/the-nifty-50---sept-9th-16th The ever popular Nifty 50 class is back at Harmon's School of Photography in Orlando.

Nifty 50mmNifty 50

Welcome to the classic portrait zone! The 50 mm focal length has been the keystone of 35mm photography since the 1930's. Master Photographers like Ralph Gibson and Henri Cartier-Bresson used just the '50' for everything from landscapes to portraiture. The fact is even the cheapest 50 mm lens is optically superior to any of the current crop of consumer zooms (18-55 mm or 18-105 mm variable aperture).

From a creative perspective, this is the lens you should be pulling a lot more frequently from your camera bag - and this exciting photography class will show you why.  

You will need a digital SLR, 50 mm prime lens, and a willingness to see light (and go light). In this class you will learn the characteristics of the 50 mm lens, explore its versatility, see the low-light advantage, learn about its 'bokeh' and get tips for going it alone.

So bring your DSLR Camera with a 50mm or any other small prime.  The Class is held at Harmon Photo in Orlando.

This 2-week class is taught by Herbie Martin

Click below to sign up


(herblish creative services LLC) 50mm Herblish Herblish Experience Nifty Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/the-nifty-50---sept-9th-16th Wed, 27 Aug 2014 23:22:18 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 9-14-14 https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/the-sunday-workshop-9-14-14 Sunday Workshop Sept 14 2014Sunday Workshop Sept 14 2014
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - September Edition

Theme: Figure Fine Art - A visual study of the nude human body
Guest Model: Candice
Date: Sept 14th 2014
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Location: TBD
Limit: 6
Cost: $150

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Photography Sunday Workshop figure body study fine art https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/the-sunday-workshop-9-14-14 Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:16:09 GMT
One Light - One Night - August https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/one-light---one-night---august  

It's Back!  One Light - One Night 
August 14th @ 6pm
This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.
Designed for intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance to make every light count for a multitude of reasons: Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you have to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Quite possibly, you just want a challenge. Whatever the case is, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.
Learn how to see light.  Build the knowledge base and tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently.
Taught Herbie Martin
6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo in Orlando. 
To sign up simply visit the link below. 

(herblish creative services LLC) https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/one-light---one-night---august Wed, 13 Aug 2014 16:10:13 GMT
The Herblish Glamour Photoshop Editing - Orlando https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/the-herblish-glamour-photoshop-editing---orlando The Herblish Glamour Photoshop Editing
Wednesday August 13th 2014 | Harmon Photo | Orlando FL


In this one night class, students will learn how to edit and manipulate their images utilizing some of Herblish's Glamour Editing Techniques using Photoshop version CC or CS3-CS6.  The students will learn how quickly and easy they can make their images pop with vibrancy and style. How to clean skin, remove stray hairs, focus on the eyes, fill lips, add make-up special effects, and more.  A laptop with Photoshop is recommended. Prerequisites: None

This is class has been limited to 6 people to give more hands on instruction.

Just $50.00




(herblish creative services LLC) Glamour Photography Herblish Photography Photoshop Workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2014/8/the-herblish-glamour-photoshop-editing---orlando Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:07:26 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 6-22-14 https://herblish.com/blog/2014/6/the-sunday-workshop-6-22-14
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - June Edition

Theme: Summer
Guest Model: Chelsey Nicole
Date: June 22nd 2014
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: HS&P
Limit: 5
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.


(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Photography Sunday Workshop hi-key lo-key https://herblish.com/blog/2014/6/the-sunday-workshop-6-22-14 Fri, 06 Jun 2014 23:13:55 GMT
The Herblish Glamour Workshop - Orlando https://herblish.com/blog/2014/6/the-herblish-glamour-workshop---orlando The Herblish Glamour Workshop
Sunday July 13th 2014 | Waldorf Astoria Hotel | Orlando FL

In this workshop, creative photographer Herbie Martin will teach his style of Glamour Photography. The workshop will give aspiring glamour photographers the chance to hone their skills in this very popular genre. This intense workshop will be held at a private suite, and will provide insights into choosing models, working, directing and posing them to flatter their assets and hide their flaws.

The workshop will begin with the Herblish Classic Glamour presentation. Through this presentation he will discuss information about the ‘do's and dont's along with the current trends of glamour photography, how to work a client/model, composition and other useful skills and techniques. He will also unveil out his Glam 10 Theory for Fun or Profit.

The workshop will continue with a practical example of studio lighting. You will be introduced in detail to all the equipment that will be used that day, including all the accessories and their different applications (soft boxes, beauty dishes, reflectors etc.). You will be taught how to choose the most suitable accessories to achieve the desired and most optimal effect.

You will be given the opportunity to put all into practice immediately following the presentation. You will learn techniques to set up and modify lighting that is flattering for the glamour model in a non-studio environment. Photographers will learn to bring out their passion for capturing beautiful models in sexy lingerie in this structured workshop at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Orlando. The Workshop will run from 9am to 5pm.

You will learn:
- How to adjust and match the studio lights to the interior atmosphere
- How to set the right light levels
- How to combine the artificial lights with daylight
- When to use hard and soft light
- How to use reflectors
- How to work with only one source of light
- How to use multiple lights effectively and efficiently
- The basic light set up for a portrait up to a full figure shoot


Just $299.00


Space is limited to 12 participants to provide ample shooting time.



(herblish creative services LLC) Glamour Photography Herblish Photography Workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2014/6/the-herblish-glamour-workshop---orlando Mon, 02 Jun 2014 15:37:52 GMT
One Light - One Night Portraiture June https://herblish.com/blog/2014/6/one-light---one-night-portraiture-june One Light One Night Portraiture

This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.

Designed for the intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance of making every light count for several reasons. Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you want to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Or maybe you just want a challenge. Whatever the case, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.

In this practical class, you will learn how to see light, build your knowledge base and learn the tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently. All lighting will be provided.

Taught by Herbie Martin

6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo
Cost is $ 50

To Register simply click though here

Don't Forget to bring your camera!

(herblish creative services LLC) Harmon School of Photography Herblish One Light Photography Portrature https://herblish.com/blog/2014/6/one-light---one-night-portraiture-june Mon, 02 Jun 2014 14:27:25 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 6-01-14 https://herblish.com/blog/2014/5/the-sunday-workshop-6-01-14
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - May Edition

Theme: Hi-Key | Low-Key
Guest Model: Peyton Fontaine
Date: June 1st 2014
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: HS
Limit: 5
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Photography Sunday Workshop hi-key lo-key https://herblish.com/blog/2014/5/the-sunday-workshop-6-01-14 Mon, 05 May 2014 21:39:05 GMT
The Sunday Workshop 4-27-14 https://herblish.com/blog/2014/4/the-sunday-workshop-4-27-14
The Sunday Workshop by Herblish - April Edition

Theme: Avant Garde
Guest Model: Jessi Durant-Chayer
Date: April 27th 2014
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Location: HS
Limit: 4
Cost: $100

Herblish Photography offers hands on workshops covering photographic techniques such as studio lighting, natural light, location shooting, working with models and various artistic techniques including body painting.

The workshops are informative as well as fun. These workshops are designed for photographers of all levels.  They are purposely kept small to ensure that everyone has a chance to not only shoot but also ask questions.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Photography Sunday Workshop https://herblish.com/blog/2014/4/the-sunday-workshop-4-27-14 Fri, 18 Apr 2014 20:43:40 GMT
The Herblish Experience Documentary-Full https://herblish.com/blog/2014/3/the-herblish-experience-documentary-full The Herblish Experience Herblish Photography in conjunction with Lighted Path Productions (http://www.lightedpathproductions.com) proudly announce a documentary based on the work of photographer/artist Herblish (Herbie Martin) called the Herblish Experience.  

The Herblish Experience is a series of fine-art workshops where the use of body painting, fabrics and many other things, some even discarded or repurposed, fuse together to make extremely unique photographs or pieces of art.   The documentary answers many questions while giving the viewer a one of kind insight as to the process and experience that it is being a part of the Herblish Experience.

You too can take part and get your own Herblish Experience when the workshops start over again this Summer.

The Full Documentary is available here:

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Body Painting Experience Herblish Herblish Experience Paint Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2014/3/the-herblish-experience-documentary-full Tue, 11 Mar 2014 19:00:00 GMT
Herblish on the Model Photography Showcase Podcast https://herblish.com/blog/2014/2/herblish-on-the-model-photography-showcase-podcast Model Photography Showcase

Connecting Models, Photographers and Make-Up Artistes

This week on the show, Photographer Herbie Martin aka. Herblish!


(herblish creative services LLC) Body Body Painting Herblish Herblish Experience Paint https://herblish.com/blog/2014/2/herblish-on-the-model-photography-showcase-podcast Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:06:20 GMT
The Herblish Experience Documentary https://herblish.com/blog/2014/2/the-herblish-experience-documentary The Herblish Experience Documentary

Herblish Photography in conjunction with Lighted Path Productions proudly announce a documentary based on the work of photographer/artist  Herblish (Herbie Martin) and the Herblish Experience.  

The Herblish Experience is a series of fine-art workshops where the use of body painting, fabrics and many other things some even discarded or repurposed fuse together to make extremely unique photographs.   The documentary answers many questions while giving the viewer a one of kind insight as to the process and experience that it is being a part of the Herblish Experience.

The forthcoming documentary was filmed in January at Reg Garner's Studio on Park in Sanford FL.  We will keep you posted for the actual launch of the Herblish Experience documentary.

Please click below for a teaser sneak peek...


(herblish creative services LLC) Body Painting Herblish Herblish Experience Photography https://herblish.com/blog/2014/2/the-herblish-experience-documentary Fri, 07 Feb 2014 21:49:26 GMT
One Light - One Night https://herblish.com/blog/2013/10/one-light---one-night  

It's Back!  One Light - One Night 
OCTOBER 10th @ 6pm
This is the perfect class for those who want to learn how to shoot high quality, lit portraits with only a single light source; whether its a hot/cold light, a flash or even an LED light.
Designed for intermediate level, this class simplifies the importance to make every light count for a multitude of reasons: Maybe your budget doesn’t allow you to purchase multiple lights for portraits. Perhaps you have to travel light and don’t have the space for two flashes. Quite possibly, you just want a challenge. Whatever the case is, you can produce a wide variety of lighting scenarios using a single light source.
Learn how to see light.  Build the knowledge base and tricks of lighting portraits beautifully and efficiently.
Taught Herbie Martin
6-8:30 pm at Harmon Photo in Orlando. 
To sign up simply visit the link below. 
(herblish creative services LLC) https://herblish.com/blog/2013/10/one-light---one-night Wed, 02 Oct 2013 22:01:29 GMT
The Herblish Experience https://herblish.com/blog/2013/6/the-herblish-experience The Herblish ExperienceThe Herblish Experience

The Herblish Experience (July 21st 1pm - 5:30pm)

Ever wonder how creative photographer and body painter/artist Herblish 
creates the images he does?  Now this is your chance to take a peek 
inside his domain and mastery of color and texture while pushing 
boundaries in lighting and photographic techniques.

The Herblish Experience Workshop will provide you with the first-hand 
knowledge and opportunity to watch Herblish create and shape unique, 
mind blowing images.  This workshop is primarily designed for 
intermediate and advance photographers who are interested in learning 
how to unleash their artistic muse while developing their own personal 
vision and style.

Herblish will show you how to easily use discarded items and materials 
that create the ultimate building blocks for his master pieces.

Participants will have the opportunity to shoot finalized pieces of 
art, glamour, beauty and even fun.  Simply bring your camera, notebook 
and an open mind.

$299.00  Sign up now as seating is a limited.

(herblish creative services LLC) Body Experience Herblish Paint https://herblish.com/blog/2013/6/the-herblish-experience Sat, 08 Jun 2013 17:16:06 GMT
The Nifty 50 - May 21st - 28th https://herblish.com/blog/2013/5/the-nifty-50---may-21st---28th Just a few spots left for the popular Nifty 50 class at Harmon Photo in Orlando.

Welcome to the classic portrait zone! The 50 mm focal length has been the keystone of 35mm photography since the 1930's. Master Photographers like Ralph Gibson and Henri Cartier-Bresson used just the '50' for everything from landscapes to portraiture. The fact is even the cheapest 50 mm lens is optically superior to any of the current crop of consumer zooms (18-55 mm or 18-105 mm variable aperture).

From a creative perspective, this is the lens you should be pulling a lot more frequently from your camera bag - and this exciting photography class will show you why.  

You will need a digital SLR, 50 mm prime lens, and a willingness to see light (and go light). In this class you will learn the characteristics of the 50 mm lens, explore its versatility, see the low-light advantage, learn about its 'bokeh' and get tips for going it alone.

So bring your DSLR Camera with a 50mm or any other small prime.

This 2-week class is taught by Herbie Martin

Copy and Paste this to signup.


(herblish creative services LLC) 50mm Nifty https://herblish.com/blog/2013/5/the-nifty-50---may-21st---28th Mon, 20 May 2013 14:07:17 GMT